Lending and Borrowing


A facility granted to Clients who are Exporters or Suppliers from an Export Chain, that provides a competitive source of funding to be applied in the production of goods and services.
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Global Receivables

A Client (the creditor of an obligation) transfers to HSBC, without recourse, its local receivables arising from the negotiation along with its customers (buyers) in order to anticipate cash flow.
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HSBC provides an Import DC, which is an undertaking given by HSBC on behalf of an Applicant to effect settlement (usually offshore) towards a Beneficiary.
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Working capital

Manage cash and trade flows more efficiently. Whether your goal for improving working capital is to self-fund growth, reduce debt, expand your business reach or enhance your balance sheet – the key to success is gaining more control over cash flows. That’s why our trade and receivables finance solutions help you unlock funds trapped in inventory or receivables to keep the supply chain – and your business – moving forward. Added to this is a full range of commercial banking services designed specifically to help you manage incoming and outgoing cash more efficiently across your entire organisation.
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Credit & Lending

Improve your cash flow management by having the option to easily access funds. Boost working capital to cover short-term or day-to-day expenses.
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